Monday, December 23, 2013

Random Thoughts:

A few weeks ago at Frank's Place, I saw this in a woman's profile:
I've been coming to Frank's long enough that I've gotten to know most of the people here.
Interesting, I thought. What if she changed it slightly:
I've been coming to Frank's long enough that I've gotten to know done most of the people guys here.
That adds a little zing to her profile, don't you think? She's most likely quite chaste though and doesn't want to give the wrong impression. So what she could do is add a second sentence: Ha, ha, just kidding.

The other day, I saw this in a woman's profile at a club:
Feel free to IM me...I happily accept random IM's, not so much random friend requests.
I like what she did. It's humorous and friendly and I understand the sentiment. I've gotten my share of random friend requests and they're annoying. But I was wondering if she should go further:
Feel free to IM me...I happily accept random IM's, not so much random friend sex requests.
Now that's humorous. It probably won't make much difference in the number of random friend requests that she gets and it should reduce the number of random sex requests. On the other hand, maybe the reason she didn't write it that way was because she does happily accept random sex requests. I can't say because I haven't received my fair share of those.

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